
Ecommerce: differentiate and understand to sell online

Also 2015, will be a special year to increase one’s online sales, the crisis continues to reign supreme and also for the
life will be increasingly hard.

But if you work knowledgeably and rely on serious professionals you can still carve out your own slice of the market.
By now the competition is increasingly fierce and ruthless, you will have to be able to defend your traffic, to avoid decreasing the volume of visits. Always keep in mind that by now classic SEO techniques are used by most Ecommerce managers, differentiation and innovation can be the keys to your success.

For example, how many can say they can truly understand their target audience? One only has to read some product descriptions of some randomly taken Ecommerce to see that the percentage is really low.
There are very few who have realized the importance of centering all attention on the real need of a customer, being able to enter into the view (often difficult to understand) that what really interests a potential buyer is not directly the product but the problem he can solve by buying it, are the emotions The levers that most drive purchase.

The game is played in a really short amount of time; an average user spends about 3 seconds of their browsing time evaluating your offer. In your opinion, in this time space, can a customer hold all the keys to complete the transaction on your site?
If you have optimized the product page, so as to give an accurate response to the request, if you implement a right strategy of retargeting (so that you can retrieve the customer later), if you can increase the real value (e.g. by illustrating all the benefits), if you can get him to conclude the transaction with bonuses, with must-have offers, with limited quantities; then the user may conclude the transaction.


Understanding the customer and optimizing strengths to sell online

Without precise and targeted web marketing strategies, without careful planning of what to do, it is really difficult to succeed. to sell online there is a need to continuously analyze and measure. Going at arm’s length is not beneficial in the long run; you need to know if even a single euro invested in Facebook ADS or Google Adwords produced results. One must be aware of whether uploading 500 photos to a catalog is productive, understand in advance whether the content marketing or digital PR strategy is bearing fruit.

Sometimes streamlining priorities and it can be fruitful, to focus on fewer actions at a time but execute them in a more thorough manner, giving yourself the right timing without being tight, this will give you the opportunity to step back if the strategy is not succeeding, calibrating it based on the mistakes made, in a nutshell measure Consistently the results obtained.
So even though the coming times look tough, offer the best and I don’t just mean in terms of product, understanding your target audience, constantly paying attention to the rates of conversion, to the graphs of sales and to all the indicators that give us the measure of our site’s success, they could be the keys to breakthroughs.

Luca Migliorati
CEO & Founder