Italians and social media: the latest report on the digital world

Italians and social media: the latest report on the digital world

From the increased time spent on social media to the ‘passion’ for Whatsapp, not to mention the increased annual budget invested in web advertising: in the Digital 2024, the Italian data report published by We Are Social in collaboration with Meltwater, there is no shortage of interesting information about the evolution of the online world and how various users choose to spend their time there.

Before going into the details of the Italian situation, however, it is good to make a preface regarding the international overview through the data of the Global Digital Report 2024 .
Globally there are 5.04 billion active profiles on social media, accounting for more than 60 percent of the population. That’s not all, in addition to an increase in the number of users on social media, the amount of time spent online has also increased, with nearly 7 hours (6 hours and 40 minutes to be exact) spent PER DAY on the Internet by the average user.

The most popular social platforms for Italians are…

What are the main reasons why the Italian public consults social media? Between the ages of 16 and 64, mainly either to stay informed about current affairs or for pure entertainment in leisure time. Subsequently, a large proportion of the statistics do so in order not to lose contact with family and friends.
The report also found that compared to 2023, time spent daily on social media has increased by nearly 60 seconds, totaling nearly 2 hours a day (that on the Internet amounts to about 5 hours and 50 minutes a day).

What is the favorite and most used social platform in Italy? As anticipated at the beginning of this article, WhatsApp tops the list. In particular, exactly more than 90 percent of respondents use it, thus ‘beating’ even Facebook (77.5 percent ) and Instagram (73.5 percent). But this app is not only most used in Italy … it is also the most loved compared to other social platforms: it leads the way at 40.7 percent, ahead of Instagram, at 23.5 percent, and Facebook, in third place (13.9 percent).

What do Italians buy online?

Electronics, fashion and food are the three most popular sectors for online shopping. At the same time, among the trends gaining momentum in the e-commerce world, we cannot fail to mention “buy now & pay later” services or the second-hand category.

It is worth noting that nearly one in two users discover new brands and products through search engines, however other two equally important sources are television broadcast advertising and word of mouth. Social media advertising also has some relevance, taking 25.1 percent. It is no coincidence, moreover, that spending on digital advertising is growing more and more.

Want to figure out which platforms and campaigns are best for your e-commerce business? Our team is ready to offer you a free initial consultation. CONTACT US to schedule an appointment!

Valeria Benincasa
SEO Copywriter & Digital PR