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Christmas shopping and purchasing behavior of Italians

During the Christmas season, online sales (but not only) increase exponentially compared to the rest of the year. From searches on smartphones to visits on websites and apps, not forgetting in-store visits or paper flyers, in 2021 well over half of consumers in Italy (68%) did their Christmas shopping through 5 or more channels. This finding-which emerged from a recent Google and Ipsos study-demonstrates how much more complex buying behavior has become, in part as a result of the infinite number of choices online.

Before proceeding with the order, therefore, Italian consumers prefer to evaluate and analyze several times products, brands and services to purchase. For this year, it is possible to foresee a propensity to combine online and in-store purchases, as a result, the boundary between these channels will be less and less defined.

Source: Google/Ipsos, Italy, Holidays Shopping Study. Graphics reworked by Tun2U Group

Online shopping continues to grow especially during the holidays

Why is such data important for Christmas shopping? Why it is critical to reach the “omnichannel consumer”: their number of purchases during the holiday season is 2.4 times higher when compared with those who use only one or two channels. It goes without saying the importance of multichannel strategies, not forgetting of course advertising andautomation marketing.

Another relevant percentage of the report published by Google concerns the testing of new products and new brands right during Christmas shopping. Also last year, 60 percent of the time spent online was spent researching (and possibly purchasing) gifts for the holidays. A trend that continues to grow and promises similarly outstanding numbers for 2022.

Inevitably, online borders are evaporating and the relationship between seller/brand and audience/buyer is becoming faster and more direct. The result? As many as 6 out of 10 consumers would be ready to buy items from brands they have never purchased before. What is the primary channel of discovery? The online world, where virtually ¾ of consumers know about new products, new trends, and new brands. However, it is good to remember that the final choice is closely linked not only to the quality of the product but above all to its usefulness, with an eye always on sustainability.

Christmas is approaching, is your ecommerce ready to boom in sales?

Similar information only proves how crucial it is for a platform that sells online to organize on time and 360 degrees on multiple fronts so as to effectively promote its products and services. This is not only in view of Christmas (which is just around the corner anyway!) but more importantly to structure a solid, winning strategy that can adapt to multiple needs.

Then again, one should not only focus on Christmas shopping, but on steady and, preferably, growing performance. Data analytics, advertising, integration, communication and user experience are just some of the services that should never, ever be overlooked. Finally, it goes without saying that attracting audiences from multiple fronts is undoubtedly the most congenial choice regardless of the target industry.

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