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Web agencies and free sites, who is scamming whom?

realizzazione siti gratis

If you think this is the usual article where you want to sell something or you want to demonize someone, I will disappoint your expectations. Do you think perhaps I tell you that it is impossible to make your own site for free? Again, you would be wrong: creating your own site for free by taking advantage of modern CMS platforms with ready-made templates is possible and many have done so.

Such solutions, perhaps even with the possibility of hosting their own pages for free, have been one of the driving forces behind the Web ‘s boundless expansion in recent years, not only from a “physical” point of view but also and especially as a social phenomenon.
But what if, instead of typing in the address of your site, I look up information on a search engine? How do you
appear among the top positions
and increase your chances of being clicked?
If you have already happened to have asked this question to a marketing or communications consulting firm and come out after undergoing an hour-long monologue without being clear about the “WHAT” of the story, in the following lines I will try to explain what is a Web Agency and why it becomes so important when it comes to investing in the future of your company.

Does a Web Agency do the Web-Things? Guide to new professions

A Web Agency is an agency specializing in the Web sector within which a team of professionals from different fields (especially strategy, development, marketing, graphic design, and communication) provide their skills and experience to create and support a company’s identity on the Web.
But let’s take a step back.

Building on these two premises, let’s try to explain what we do all day and why and how our business could help you by answering the question, “How did that page get the first result in a list of hundreds of thousands of average results?” The first (obvious) answer is to say, you have turned to professional
SEO professionals
with whom he planned a strategy. But what does it mean in practice? What does a Web Agency do that its geeky cousin probably doesn’t?

Professional or bricoleur: to whom would you put your future?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, nor is there the “secret to success,” which is nothing more than a combination of professionalism, expertise, hard work, timing, budget and a dose of luck.
Be wary of those who promise miracles and claim that they can get to the top position on search engines in no time: a serious Web Agency will reply that they will work hard to make sure you get the best result possible subject to a number of factors that you will evaluate together, such as potential of your business, target market and available budget.
If you have doubts, we’ll gladly listen to your concerns in the comments box or by meeting you in person, but trust us, no-cost solutions are often worth their weight in gold!

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