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Web Design: the way a graphic designer works has radically changed

Nowadays, all young people entering the world of graphic design and drawing make the mistake of thinking they can do without web design, unthinkable especially if you want to find a job, you only have to scroll through the ads on any job recruiting site to understand the direction this industry has now taken.

We are all aware of the difficulties a graphic designer accustomed to making his or her designs on paper may face, in relating to digital, the approach itself has different dynamics. Those who deal with CSS or HTML on a daily basis have a more dynamic and quick mindset, ready to find a solution to a problem abruptly.

Today, thanks to the web, moreover, one has the opportunity to learn more easily, in fact, a graphic designer today can view numerous works of others before making his own, this allows him to be able to better get into the expectations and desires of a potential client. By now there are sites com Onepage Love or Design Inspiration that select web pages every day, which are considered top-notch to draw inspiration from. Not to mention the various
Social Media
for creatives that are literally proliferating in recent years, Pinterest above all.

Web design: not just code but lots of creativity

The roads in the way of digital graphics have gone in two very distinct directions, those who say that a web designer must necessarily know how to code (CSS, JavaScript, or HTML whatever) and those who do not. I personally believe that the right measure as in all things is always the best solution, a decent knowledge of codes is mandatory, with the understanding that no line of code should ever present an inhibiting brake on creativity.
Another major change that is an inherent advantage is that unlike the print media the net not limits, in fact the size can be customizable depending on the size of a site (just set them with the style max-width typical of CSS), then the designer will no longer have to take into account the sheet where it is making the graphic but the resolution where it will then be displayed.

Web design can be unconventional, which is why it represents a huge source of inspiration and a great outlet for particularly creative minds, just think, for example, that unlike a spreadsheet a site may not be static, thanks to the help of theHTML5, we can make a graphic element dynamic, in addition, it is possible to insert video, audio or image files that also allow unthinkable interactivity with the print.

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