
Business Intelligence

The answer you seek is in the data

Hypotheses are only hypotheses if not confirmed by data

Business Intelligence activities are preparatory to marketing activities and fundamental to all the strategic choices your e-commerce needs. Running an online business properly requires a strong focus on data and the ability to monitor in real time all the metrics needed to understand whether our and your work is having the expected results.
The Haliante ecommerce BI platform, developed by Tun2U, is responsible for making this a reality for the customer and for those of us who chew through data every day, making intuitive and simple all those analyses that an ecommerce manager needs to perform on a recurring basis to keep track of project progress. Our dedicated intelligence department uses sophisticated analytical tools to provide a true overview of your market, giving you insights and forecasts for your marketing strategies to help you in your development.

BI for E-commerce

The concept of Business Intelligence has been known for a long time and applies in all business decisions related to business development. In a context such as e-commerce or more broadly in the digital marketplace, addressing this topic becomes even more challenging and highly productive. By cross-referencing data from multiple sources ranging from economic data to logistics data, we are able to give you the answers you are looking for to take your e-commerce into the future.

Big Data Analysis

In the digital age of the internet of things, the cloud and social networks, we are literally overwhelmed by huge amounts of data from countless sources and with increasingly detailed connotations. Collecting this data accurately and knowing how to use it to convey well-defined marketing strategies or business actions is the biggest challenge. Capturing, analyzing, and reprocessing this data requires specific skills and an important technological infrastructure that is capable of processing and extracting the necessary information that will bring tangible benefit to your online project.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is one of the big trends in the e-commerce world. Based always on data analysis, it enables us to provide and design, through study models, development scenarios in the future. These mathematical models-called "predictive models"-feed on data and through the use of software and specific skills allow for forecasts on actions we are taking or yet to take.

Automated Analytics

The study and analysis of Big Data provides us with answers and actions to perform that are not always easy to take without the help of automated procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate well the analysis models that are used in order to arrive at an answer that is first of all implementable and scalable over broad usage scenarios. Defining appropriate workflows that feed off the analyzed data and meet specific conditions is the key to activating effective and stable marketing automation actions over time.


Diversifies sources

To get a complete and reliable scenario of your business, do not collect data from a single source, but diversify and look for the best data from each specific referral source.


Refine the data

Streamline data storage, keeping only the necessary data that is truly useful for the purpose. This will ensure greater speed in the analysis process and processing of the result.



Predictive analytics is not an exact science and does not always provide certain answers. Always question your achievements and develop your own opinion from what you have achieved.