
Reporting, data analysis, metrics and monitoring results and ROI

Is your site successful? Is your PPC campaign effective? Answering these questions is essential to understand whether your Web marketing plan is successful and, if so, where you need to take action to improve it.

Google Analytics is, to date, the most powerful tool with which to monitor not only the success of your own site, but also your online activity as a whole and even the behavior of visitors or users with whom you interact.

Measure your website’s performance and find out how to improve it

The reporting that Tun2U delivers to you is a summary document at set time intervals that you can have in order to have an up-to-date picture of your web presence and the communicative effectiveness of your strategy.

Custom Dashboard

We start here: we create your custom dashboard and set it for your goals. The result will be a clear and detailed report of your activity.

Monitoring and researching data and statistics

We analyze and compare a set of data such as:monitoring-and-research

  • Number of total visitors and number of unique visitors (who visit your site for the first time);
  • Returning visitor factor: how many visitors return to your site? What behaviors? What will turn a lead into potential?
  • Time spent on site: that is, the average time a visitor spent on your site, browsing different pages;
  • Bounce rate, which indicates the percentage of visits that end after viewing a single page;
  • Number of pages visited;
  • Traffic sources and referrals: where do your visitors come from?
  • What path do your visitors take to reach your site? How do they move within pages? Understand visitor behavior through “Navigation Data Visualization” and “In-Page Data Analysis.”
  • Real-time reporting: we monitor the success of your site, your pages, and even a single article to see what impact it can have on your audience;
  • Analytics for Social Media: we prepare specific reports to measure the traffic generated by Social Networks and their impact on your business; we assess in detail the effectiveness of your Web Marketing strategy, finding out which sources send you interested visitors, what your visitors share and where they do so;
  • Advanced Segmentation: a high-profile service with which to analyze specific segments of traffic to your site and check conversion rates;
  • PPC campaign tracking: how many leads did your campaign generate? What is your ROI (return on investment)?

Analyzing results, writing and delivering reports to the client


The report, in fact, is a feedback of the goals achieved, those achieved only partially, and those achievable. It constitutes a fundamental indicator of your site’s performance.

The report is also the starting point from which to make improvements or changes to your business strategy if needed: find out how to increase your website’s visitor/customer conversion rate, what were the critical issues with your web pages and why they were abandoned, what keywords worked best, and what you could add to optimize your site.

Digital agency Tun2U is by your side offering qualified consulting services. We follow market trends and look for the best solutions together with you.

Contact us for a quote!

Claudio Migliorati
SEO Specialist