Global Summit Lazise

Tun2U in Lazise for Global Summit Marketing & Digital 2018

Tun2U is participating in the 18th Global Summit Marketing & Digital, the annual event dedicated to the business community of marketing, digital communication and e-commerce solutions, scheduled for Wednesday, February 21 and Thursday, February 22 in Lazise (VR).

An event at which there will be no shortage of opportunities to talk about e-commerce and web marketing strategies, as well as customer care, logistics aspects and performance monitoring.

Whether in the world of fashion or food & beverage, automotive, furniture or publishing, to each company Tun2U can propose the most suitable solution in terms of budget investment and expected results.

The event at the Centro Congressi Hotel Parchi del Garda Pacengo in Lazise will be attended, among others, by Enrico Falappa and Luca Migliorati, president and CEO Tun2U, respectively.

For years specialists in the field, Falappa and Migliorati have also written a book dedicated to online sales, “E-commerce for dummies,” published by Hoepli. A real handbook, which can clearly explain all the winning marketing strategies and help companies sell on the Internet.

Valeria Benincasa
SEO Copywriter & Digital PR